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Demand & Supply Planning Assistant
  • 작성자
  • 작성일자
  • 조회66
  • 기관명 : 존슨앤존슨판매유한회사㈜
  • 마감일 : 채용시

Kenvue (존슨앤존슨판매유한회사㈜)
주소: 서울특별시 용산구 한강로 2가 LS용산타워(4호선 신용산역 부근) / 300명 /미국계
* 특이사항: 시간 외 근무수당 지급, 부서 상황에 따른 주 2회 재택 근무가능, 여름 휴가비, 명절 상여금 별도

[신용산역/신입] 외국계 유명 헬스케어 SCM Assistant 채용 건

[근무회사 및 모집부문]
* 근무회사: 신용산역에 위치한 외국계 글로벌 헬스케어 기업
* 사업분야: 제약, 메디컬, 화장품, 소비재 등
* 모집부문: Demand & Supply Planning Assistant

*글로벌 기업에서 SCM 포지션으로 커리어 쌓길 희망하시는 분들께 추천 드리는 채용 건 입니다.



Demand & Supply Planning Assistant supports delivering accurate demand forecasts and providing meaningful market intelligence to achieve sustainable growth and to exceed business expectations. Duties include inventory and service management, risk analysis, and taking active role on the sales and operation planning process.



- Be responsible for statistical forecast generation

- Demand generation with input from sales & marketing

- Periodic demand monitoring and update

- Maintain demand & supply planning system master data

- Ensure supply meets the latest demand.

- Ensure demand and supply planning processes that drive cost-effective stock availability and the optimal inventory.

- Coordinate Sales and Operations Planning process

- Develop and ensure appropriate planning processes and systems are compliant with corporate policies.

- Partner cross-functionally to develop solutions to a variety of problems with varying levels of scope and complexity.

- Exercise judgment within defined procedures and practices to determine appropriate courses of action.

- Build effective relationships and partnerships with key suppliers as well as internal /external client groups.

- Ensure understanding and communication on the business consequences arising from tradeoffs concerning the planning activities.

- Organize and present information that ensures timely forecasting communications and common goals and objectives across franchises and functional areas.



- Bachelor’s degrees or above.

- Max. 2 years of Supply chain planning experience (신입 가능)

- Knowledge of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) System preferred

- Good inter-personal relationship

- Proactive & positive & innovative mind

- Strong negotiation & communication skills

- Strong analytical, problem solving and project management skills

- Excellent English communication (Writing & Oral) ability

- MS Office skills (Word, PPT, Excel) proficiency

- 계약기간: 1년 파견계약직 (검토 후 연장 가능성 보유)
- 근무지: 서울시 용산구 한강로2가(4호선 신용산역 부근)
- 근무시간: 09:00 ~ 18:00 (주 5일 근무)
- 급여: 회사 내규에 따름 (인터뷰 진행 후 경력 및 최종연봉에 따른 결정)
- 특이사항: 회사 내규에 따른 재택근무 가능, 여름 휴가비, 명절 상여금 별도 제공
- 복리후생: 4대보험, 연차, 퇴직금, 우수사원시상식, 경조금, 경조휴가, 통신비 지원금 등



- 이메일 지원:  eloise.park@manpower.co.kr

- 이메일 제목: SCM Assistant_본인 성함 기재

- 제출서류: 국/영문 이력서 및 자기소개서 (MS Word 양식)

- 담당자: 박수현, 02-6420-0393